What is the 369 manifestation technique of the law of attraction?

In recent years, the concept of manifestation has gained significant popularity among people who wish to improve their lives in various ways. There are many techniques and methods of manifestation, but one that has received special attention is the 369 Technique. This technique is also known as Nikola Tesla Secret Code. In this article, we will explore What is 369 manifestation technique, the importance of numbers 3, 6, and 9, how to do the 369 manifestation method, and why it is named after Nikola Tesla as the secret code.

What is 369 Manifestation Technique

What is 369 Manifestation Technique?

What is the 369 Manifestation Technique?

369 is a manifestation method that is believed to help individuals manifest their desires using the law of attraction. This technique involves writing down your desire three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night for at least 21 consecutive days.

The idea behind this technique is that by writing down your desires repeatedly, you are sending a clear message to the universe about what you want. By doing it at specific times of the day, you are reinforcing your intention and strengthening your focus.

369 manifestation method

369 manifestation method

The number 3 is associated with the Trinity, which represents the connection between life’s physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. The number 6 is associated with balance and harmony, while the number 9 is associated with completion and manifestation. By combining these numbers in a specific pattern, the 369 manifestation technique is believed to amplify the power of your intention and accelerate the manifestation process.

However, it’s important to note that manifestation is a complex process, and the results may vary depending on several factors, including the clarity of your intention, your belief system, and your actions toward your goal. The 369 technique is just one of many manifestation techniques that can help you align your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward your desired outcome.

Importance of number 3 in 369 manifestation technique

 The number 3 is considered powerful and significant in many cultures and traditions. Here are a few reasons why the number 3 holds importance:

what is 369 manifestation technique

what is 369 manifestation technique

  • Symbolism: The number 3 is often associated with concepts such as the Trinity, mind-body-spirit, past-present-future, and birth-life-death. This symbolism can represent the unity of opposites and the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Balance: The number 3 is often considered a balanced number as it can be seen as the middle ground between extremes. It represents a harmony between two opposing forces.
  • Creativity: The number 3 is also linked to creativity and inspiration. Many famous works of art, music, and literature have been created in threes, such as the Three Musketeers or the Three Little Pigs.
  • Spirituality: The number 3 is associated with many spiritual concepts, including the Holy Trinity in Christianity, Tridev or Trimurti in Hinduism, and the Three Jewels or Triratna in Buddhism.
  • Science: The number 3 is significant in science as well. It is the smallest odd prime number and the first odd prime that is not a twin prime.

The number 3 holds great importance and significance in many aspects of life, from spirituality and creativity to science and mathematics.

Importance of number 6 in 369 manifestation technique

The number 6 is considered important and powerful in many cultures and traditions. The number 6 is important for several reasons:

Harmony: Number 6 represents balance, peace, and stability. It symbolizes the harmony between opposing forces like yin and yang or male and female energies.

Creation: Number 6 is connected to creation and procreation. Many cultures see it as a symbol of fertility, growth, and abundance.

Spiritual significance: Number 6 holds spiritual meaning, representing the six directions (north, south, east, west, up, and down).

Overall, the number 6 holds great importance and significance in many aspects of life, from spirituality to creation and mathematics. It is considered a powerful number that can bring balance and harmony into our lives.

Importance of number 9 in 369 manifestation technique

The number 9 is also considered a significant and powerful number in many cultures and traditions. Here are a few reasons why the number 9 holds importance:

  • Completion: The number 9 is often associated with completion and fulfillment. It represents the end of a cycle and the achievement of a goal.
  • Spiritual significance: The number 9 is linked to many spiritual concepts, such as the nine planets in Hindu astrology, Navdurga or the nine Hindu goddesses, the Nine Worlds in Norse mythology, and the nine types of angels in Christianity.
  • Symbolism: Number 9 is also related to concepts such as harmony, balance and wisdom. It is believed to represent the unity of all things and the interconnectedness of the universe.
  • Mathematics: The number 9 is significant in mathematics as it is the highest single-digit number and the only number that, when multiplied by any other single-digit number, results in a sum that adds up to 9. It is also the basis for many numerological systems.

Overall, the number 9 holds great importance and significance in many aspects of life, from spirituality and symbolism to mathematics and culture. It is considered a powerful number representing completion, enlightenment, and the interconnectedness of all things.

369 manifestation affirmations

369 manifestation affirmations

Things needed to start the 369 manifestation technique

  • Dairy or notebook (Do not use loose sheets or papers)
  • Pen
  • A few quality minutes in the morning, afternoon, and night.

How to do the 369 manifestation technique to manifest your desires?

The 369 manifestation technique is a process that is said to help you manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction. Here are the simple steps to perform the 369 technique:

STEP 1: Choose your desire

Decide on what you want to manifest. It is essential to be clear and specific about your want. Make a positive affirmation of the desire you want to manifest. Write it in the present tense as if it has already been achieved. Be very precise about the statement.

STEP 2: Write it 3 times in the morning

Within 15 minutes of waking up, write down your affirmative statement in the diary. You have to write this statement 3 times and feel the emotions associated with your words while writing. Try to hold the feelings of joy, happiness, and gratitude for 17 seconds.

STEP 3: Write the same statement 6 times in the afternoon

Repeat this process of writing positive statements 6 times in the afternoon. Don’t be in a hurry, and don’t get distracted.

STEP 4: Write the statement 9 times during the night

Before you go to sleep at night, be sure to write down the statement 9 times to help your subconscious mind focus on your desire even while you sleep. Also, see and feel the emotions associated with your wish coming true.

STEP 5: Keep doing this writing process for 21 days, 33 days, or 45 days

Repeat this process for 21 days straight, as this is said to be the amount of time it takes to create a new habit and manifest your desire. If you have a firm conviction, you can continue writing the statement for 33 days or 45 days. Make sure not to stop in between.

The 369 manifestation technique is designed to help you focus your intention and energy on your desire and to align yourself with the vibration of what you want to manifest. It is important to remember that manifestation is a process that may take time and effort to see results. Keep a positive attitude and trust the universe to bring your desire to you in the right way and at the right time.

How to boost your power of manifestation by combining the 17 seconds technique with the 369 technique?

The 17 seconds technique and 369 manifestation techniques are powerful tools for manifesting your desires using the Law of Attraction. Here are some ways to combine these techniques to boost your manifestation power:

Start with the 369 technique

Begin by using the 369 technique to focus your intention and energy on your desire. Write down your desire three times a day, morning, afternoon, and night, and visualize it as if it has already manifested.

Practice the 17 seconds technique.

The 17 seconds technique involves holding a positive thought or feeling for 17 seconds or more. Focus on having your desire fulfilled, and hold that feeling for at least 17 seconds. This helps to amplify the vibration of your desire and attract it into your life.

Combine the two techniques

After practicing the 369 technique, use the 17 seconds technique to intensify the feeling of your desire. Maintain positive emotions of gratitude, joy, and love while writing or reading your statement for at least 17 seconds. It helps you align your energy with what you want and attract it into your life more quickly.

Repeat daily

Practice these techniques daily for at least 21 days, 33 days, or 45 days. Keep a positive attitude and trust in the universe to bring your desire to you in the right way and at the right time.

Combining the 17 Second Technique with the 369 Manifestation Technique can help you amplify the power of your intention, proving to be a double impactful for manifesting your desires more quickly and easily. Remember to focus on the feeling of your desire already being fulfilled and trust the universe to bring it to you in the best possible way.

Benefits of using the 369 manifestation technique

The 369 manifestation technique is powerful for manifesting your desires using the Law of Attraction. Here are the benefits of using this 369 technique of Law of Attraction:

  • Focus Your Intention: The 369 Technique helps you clear your desire and focus your intention on what exactly you want to manifest. Writing down your desire helps strengthen your commitment and focus.
  • Raises your vibration: The 369 technique involves writing your desire three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. This helps to raise the vibration of your desire and attract it into your life more quickly.
  • Creates positive affirmations: The technique encourages you to use positive, precise, and specific affirmations and describe your desire in the present tense statement. This helps to shift your mindset and focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
  • Builds consistency: The 369 technique is designed to be practiced consistently for atleast 21 days. This helps to focus on your desire and align your energy with what you want to manifest.
  • Increases Manifestation Power: By combining the power of positive affirmations, consistent practice, and amplified vibrations, the 369 Technique can help you manifest your desires more quickly and easily.

The 369 manifestation technique is a simple yet effective way to focus your intention and energy on your desires. It helps to shift your mindset, amplify your vibration, and build a consistent practice of aligning yourself with what you want to manifest. With regular exercise, this technique can help you to attract abundance, success, and happiness into your life.

Tips to boost your power of manifestation

  • Consistency is the key

Be consistent in writing your wish thrice a day without fail.

  • Trust your manifestation, divine, and the universe.

Do your writing work and let the universe work on it. Trust Your Manifestation, the Divine, and the Universe

  • Don’t chase your desire.

There is a right and perfect time for everything to happen. Wait for the right time, and don’t be impatient using the 369 manifestation code.

  • Don’t be obsessive

Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get the desired results. Maybe God has better plans for you than this.

  • Don’t have any self-doubt.

As soon as you start manifesting, you expect immediate results and surround yourself with negative thoughts and self-doubt. Never doubt yourself, and always be positive.

  • Always write and speak positive words.

Remove negative words like ‘not, don’t, can’t, won’t’ from your thoughts and words, and always make and write your positive statements with positive words. Write a positive and perfect statement.

  • Hold your thought for 17 seconds.

Try to keep your attention on the statement you are writing for 17 seconds and feel it with all your senses. Feel the joy, gratitude, conviction, and strong feeling that you have achieved it.

Whether 369 manifestation works or not?

As I said earlier, remove and forget the word ‘ no,’ and everything will work in your favor. Trust the divinity and the universe, and watch how things turn in your favor and your wish is manifested

FAQs for 369 Manifestation Technique

Q-1) Can the 369 technique be used for any desire?

Yes, the 369 technique can be applied to any desire or affirmation as long as it is stated positively and specifically.

Q-2)  Is the 369 technique a quick fix?

No, the 369 technique is not a magic solution that instantly manifests your desires. It requires consistent practice and patience.

 Q-3) Is the 369 technique based on science?

The 369 technique is based on the principles of the law of attraction and the power of repetition, both of which have scientific support.

 Q-4) Why is the 369 technique named after Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla was known for his fascination with numbers and their significance, particularly the numbers 3, 6, and 9. The 369 technique is based on repeating affirmations three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night.

 Q-5) Can anyone practice the 369 technique?

Yes, the 369 technique can be practiced by anyone willing to put in the effort and belief.