Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the very popular 2 Cup Manifestation Method, a simple yet powerful technique of the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. In this article, we will explain the Two Cup Manifestation Method, how it works, and a step-by-step guide on how to do the Two Cup Manifestation Method.

2 Cup Manifestation Method

2 Cup Manifestation Method


The Two Cup Manifestation Method is a technique based on the Law of Attraction, which states that you can manifest your intentions with the help of shifting your dimensions in the multiverse or many universes. That is why people also call it Dimension jumping or Quantum jumping. It assumes that infinite dimensions occur simultaneously in one Universe or the other.

This means that any alternate reality has already happened (past), will happen (future), or is happening (present) in different dimensions or parallel Universe. So you can consciously shift from the current dimension that does not serve you to a new dimension that does serve you and manifest your desires.

The Two Cup Manifestation Method involves using two cups, one representing your current reality and the other representing your desired reality. By pouring water from one cup to the other, you are using the power of visualization and symbolically transferring your current reality to your desired reality, thus manifesting your desires.


The Two Cup Manifestation Method works by helping you shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want. By visualizing your desired reality and feeling its associated emotions, you are sending a powerful signal to the Universe that you are ready to receive your desires.

The process of pouring water from one cup to the other physically represents this shift in focus. It helps you to let go of your current reality and align yourself with your desired reality..


Things you need to collect before starting the 2 cup method of manifestation.

  • Water
  • Two cups (or clear glass), identical in size and shape
  • Sticky notes and
  • A pen.

Let us begin by understanding the step-by-step process of using the 2 Cups method to manifest our desires.

STEP 1- Set your intention 

Before you begin, it’s important to be clear about what you want to manifest. Write down your intention on a piece of paper and place it before you. Be very specific about your desire.

set your intention

set your intention;

STEP 2- Take two cups or glasses 

Choose two cups (preferably clear so you can see the water) that are identical in size and shape. Now prepare them by putting sticky notes on one cup, writing your current reality, and the other with your desired reality.

Take two cups or glasses for 2 cup manifestation method

Take two cups or glasses for 2 cup manifestation method

STEP 3- Pour water 

Once your cups are ready, fill the cup labelled with your current reality with water. Only fill as much as you can drink. Take a moment to focus on your current reality and how it makes you feel.

pour water for 2 cup manifestation method

pour water for 2 cup manifestation method

Now, focus your attention on the empty cup, read the note of your desired reality, and look closely at the realistic image of your desire with all the little details. Also, allow yourself to experience the high vibrational feelings of joy, bliss, and peace it brings you.

STEP 4- Pour water into the cup labelled with your desired reality 

When engaging your mind, body, and spirit in those high vibrational emotions, pour the water into this empty cup and continue visualizing yourself in your desired reality. Visualize and feel the positive energy for at least 5 minutes.

pour water in cup for 2 cup manifestation method

pour water in cup for 2 cup manifestation method

You need to believe in the process and imagine the shift happening as you pour the water. Don’t doubt it, and focus on what you want to happen.

STEP 5- Drink the water 

Now that you have mentally jumped from one dimension to another, solidify this truth by absorbing yourself completely into the new reality. Drink the water from the cup labelled with your desired reality. This symbolizes that you have received your desire and are now aligned with it.

drink water for 2 cup manifestation method

drink water for 2 cup manifestation method

STEP 6- Discard the Old Label

After doing the 2 Cup Manifestation Method, it’s important to discard the label representing your old reality. This is because it no longer serves you, and you want to move forward. You can rip or burn it to symbolize letting go of the old reality. You can keep the label representing your desired reality as a reminder of your new reality.

discard old label for 2 cup manifestation method

discard old label for 2 cup manifestation method

If you start feeling negative emotions, look at the label to help you feel better and stay aligned with your goals. Trust that the Universe will bring your desire to you at the right time.


  • Be clear about the desire you want to manifest.
  • Focus on the emotions associated with your desired reality.
  • Use positive affirmations to reinforce your intention.
  • Practice gratitude regularly for all that you already have in your life.
  • Trust in the Universe and let go of any doubts or fears.


 In conclusion, the 2 Cup Manifestation Method is a simple yet powerful technique to help you manifest your desires. By shifting your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want, you send a powerful signal to the Universe that you are ready to receive your desires.

If you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how to manifest your dreams, check out our other articles on the topic in the manifestation category. Remember, you have the power to create the life you want, and the Two Cup Manifestation Method is just one tool to help you do it.


Q1- What is the Two Cup Manifestation Method, and how does it work?
A1- The Two Cup Manifestation Method is a powerful visualization technique that involves using two cups filled with water to manifest your desires. The method works by shifting your focus and beliefs from your current situation toward your desired reality.

Q2- How often should you do the 2 cup manifestation method?
A2- For one desire, you need to perform the Two Cup Manifestation Method only once to achieve your desired outcome. The method uses reality-shifting concepts, and you do not need to repeat the method to achieve your desired results.

However, maintaining your belief and focusing on your desired reality is crucial to manifesting your desires. If you start to doubt or lose your belief, you can repeat the method in the future to reinforce your manifestation.

Q3- How long does it take to see results from the Two Cup Manifestation Method?
A3- The timing of manifestation can vary from person to person. Some people may see results within hours, while others may take weeks or months. It depends on your desire and how much you trust and believe in the Universe that it will happen.

Q4- Can the Two Cup Manifestation Method be used for any desire?
A4- Yes, the Two Cup Manifestation Method can be used to manifest any desire, from career success to personal relationships. However, it’s important to have a clear and specific desire when performing the method.

Q5- Can I use any type of cup for the method?
A5- Yes, you can use any type of cup for the method. Still, it’s better to choose clear glasses because you can see the water and channel your positive energy into it.

Q6- Can I do the method for someone else?
A6- While you can do the 2 cup method on behalf of someone else in mind, it is important to respect their free will and try to manifest something against their wishes. However, focusing on yourself and the manifestation of your desires is highly recommended.

Q7- What if I accidentally drink the water from the wrong cup?
A7- Don’t worry if you accidentally drink water from the wrong cup. The expression process is not dependent on drinking water. What matters most is focusing your energy and emotions on your desired reality.

Q8- Can I use the method for multiple desires at once?
A8- It is possible to use the method for multiple wishes at once, but focusing on one desire at a time is recommended. This allows you to fully focus on the manifestation and increase your chances of success.