kalpana sharma fit chapter author

Kalpana Sharma is a highly skilled and dedicated yoga teacher with a passion for helping others achieve their full potential. With an E-RYT 500 certification and a Master’s Degree in Yoga and Naturopathy, Kalpana is a knowledgeable and experienced teacher who has dedicated her life to serving the world through the practice of yoga.

As a full-time yoga instructor at a renowned yoga school, Kalpana has the opportunity to share her expertise and experience with students every day. In addition to her in-person teachings, Kalpana is also a part-time writer for Fitchapter.com, where she shares her insights and thoughts on yoga and meditation with a wider audience. Her goal is to help as many people as possible to experience the positive impact that these practices can have on their lives.

Kalpana is a lifelong student of yoga and meditation, and is constantly striving to deepen her understanding of these practices. She believes that the more knowledge and experience she gains, the better equipped she will be to serve her students and help them achieve their own goals. Through her writing and in-person teachings, Kalpana shares her knowledge and experience with others, helping them to develop their own practices and to achieve their full potential.

In addition to her teachings, Kalpana is also a dedicated practitioner of yoga and meditation, and is passionate about helping others to achieve the same level of mastery. Whether through her writing or in-person teachings, Kalpana is a supportive and empowering teacher who is committed to helping her students find peace, happiness, and fulfilment in their lives through the practice of yoga and meditation.