What is Dharmakaya? – The term “Dharmakaya” (meaning body of truth) is a Mahayana Buddhist term used to refer to the body or nature of the enlightened mind.It is one of Buddha’s  “trikayas“, or ” three bodies.” The other two are the Sambhogakaya (meaning body of enjoyment) and the Nirmanakaya (meaning body of transformation).

what is dharmakaya

The Dharmakaya is said to be the true nature of reality, which is beyond all duality and classification. It is sometimes described as the “unconditioned” or “void” nature of the mind. The Dharmakaya is said to be inaccessible to ordinary beings, but it can be attained through meditation and other spiritual practices.

Introduction: What is Dharmakaya?

Dharmakaya is one of Buddha’s trikayas or three bodies. It is also called the “truth body” or “reality body.” Dharmakaya is the formless, absolute reality that is the true nature of all things. It is beyond time and space, and it is unborn and undying. When Buddha manifests in the world, it is said that they do so through the Dharmakaya.

Dharmakaya is not something that can be seen with our physical eyes; it is an experience that occurs within our own minds. To put it simply, Dharmakaya is the infinite potential within each of us. It is what we are truly capable of becoming. It is present everywhere in this Universe. Dharmakaya is the source of other two bodies; Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya.

When we connect with our Dharmakaya, we connect with our highest self. We become filled with compassion, wisdom, and love. We become limitless.

Definition of Dharmakaya

Dharmakaya is the primordial Buddha, which represents the essence of Buddhahood. It is often depicted as the “true form” of the Buddha, beyond physical appearance. The Dharmakaya is considered to be eternal, unchanging, and infinitely spacious.

Dharmakaya is sometimes referred to as the “body of reality” or the “body of truth.” It is not a physical body, but rather a spiritual essence that encompasses all Buddhas. The Dharmakaya is often symbolized by the sun or a white lotus flower.

How to access Dharmakaya through meditation ?

Dharmakaya is the central nervous system of the universe and is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. It is said that if one can access Dharmakaya through meditation, they can attain enlightenment.

There are many different ways to meditate, but you need to find a method that fits you. There are many resources available online and Offline that can help you learn how to meditate. As you practice regularly, it will be easier for you to access Dharmakaya during meditation.

It is also helpful to create a peaceful and relaxing environment in which to meditate. This can be done by playing calming music, burning incense, or using essential oils.

Meditation should be relaxing, so find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then, focus on your breathing and try to clear your mind of any thoughts. If this proves challenging, slowly count the number of breaths you take in and then out.

Once you have reached a state of deep relaxation, begin to focus on your third eye, located between your eyebrows. Visualize a bright light emanating from your third eye and feel it expanding outward until it fills your entire body.

Allow yourself to be absorbed into the light. You may feel as though you are floating or weightless. Continue to breathe deeply and focus on the light.

If you can maintain this focus, you will eventually reach a state of pure consciousness known as Dharmakaya. In this state, you will experience complete peace and bliss.


Dharmakaya is a central concept in Buddhism that refers to the Buddha’s true nature, which is said to be beyond birth and death. The term is often used interchangeably with “enlightenment” or “nirvana.”

While the concept of Dharmakaya may seem abstract, it’s an important part of Buddhist thought and practice. If you’re interested in learning more about Buddhism, we recommend checking out some of the resources below.

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