yoga teacher training india experience

A Personal Journey with Yoga Teacher Training

Let me take you through my incredible journey of doing a yoga teacher training in India.

One of my new year resolutions for 2024 was to share what’s in my heart authentically, so I’ve decided to finally do that. Today I’m sharing with you my journey towards myself. I’m sharing with you something that is hard to put into words, but comes from my heart. I’m Maria from Germany, 29 years old and this is my story.

Why A Yoga Teacher Training in India? My Reasons and Intentions

 One year ago, I decided to do a yoga teacher training in India. One year since I promised to do something only for myself, away from my hectic life and usual social circle.

Do you know the feeling of longing for something higher, something better, something more fulfilling?

I’ve had this feeling for a while, but because I always kept myself so busy, I never responded to this inner desire. I felt the need to complete my education steps, grow my career and work more. I used to feel bad for taking time off, resting or sleeping in. The constant pressure to complete tasks, to-dos and social obligations drained me both physically and mentally. I was constantly stressed out and in productivity mode. At some point, I began to struggle eating and falling asleep. One day, I broke down in tears and couldn’t carry any more weight on my shoulders. I questioned the situation I was in and wondered if that was supposed to be my life forever. Was this constant stress worth it or making me happy? No. I told myself, I would make a drastic change and find a way to feel re-connect to myself.

I began to research ways to take some time off, re-charge my batteries and learn how to better take care of my physical and mental health. This research led me to yoga and the idea to do a yoga teacher training. I read many articles and studies about how yoga regulates the nervous system and helps you to reduce stress enormously. I read about personal experiences with yoga and how it resets the whole psychological and physiological system. Pretty quickly, I came across yoga teacher training programs and their benefits.

At first, I thought they are only for experienced yoga practitioners and people who want to become professional yoga teachers, but I quickly learnt that they are for everyone, including beginners, like me, that time.

As yoga originates in India and it seemed like the most authentic option to learn it at its roots, I decided to do a residential yoga teacher training in India.

What’s A Yoga Teacher Training in India?

 A yoga teacher training in general is an intensive yoga course that teaches you all about yoga from its philosophy and origin to postures and other practices like pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. Yoga teacher trainings cover topics such anatomy, alignment, meditation and teaching practice and karma yoga.

In India, yoga teacher training courses are usually held at an ashram which is like a retreat center that emphasizes personal growth and self-discovery.

A yoga teacher training in India is like an intensive immersion into a whole lifestyle of yoga, from ancient scriptures to modern science of yoga, you can learn everything from A to Z. You basically learn from the most authentic teachers about the original teachings of yoga and gain an immense practical understanding of what yoga is and how it works on you.

How did I Choose my Yoga Teacher Training?

I chose Gyan Yog Breath in Rishikesh for my training. It’s a yoga school and ashram located at the outskirts in Rishikesh overlooking the Himalayas and National Park.

One of my friends recommended me their 200 hour yoga teacher training in India program and I wanted to go somewhere that felt safe for me a solo-female traveller. From the first moment of contact with them until the final goodbye, I felt comfortable, cared for and supported. And a part of an empowering yoga community.

My Personal Experience Joining a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

When I arrived at the Gyan Yog Breath Ashram, I was welcomed with a big smile, a beautiful flower necklace and a cup of chai.

 Do you know the feeling when you just know you are at the right place at the right time?

 I was beyond happy to finally be in the situation of only focusing on my own well-being, health and happiness.

The first evening we had a little introduction round and received our books, yoga mats, course kit and schedules. We received some more information about the course, daily routine, classes, meals and ashram life in general. The next morning started at 6:00 AM with a Vedic Fire Ceremony and Initiation into the Yogic Path. It was a mind-blowing and cleansing experience for me that I remember dearly.

From then, 18 days of the 200 hour yoga teacher training in India passed in a blink of an eye. The days were filled with a variety of classes, modules and such interesting and eye-opening wisdom.

We practiced and learnt from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM six days a week.

I learnt about yogic cleansing (shatkarma), asanas (postures), modern misconceptions of yoga, alignment and variations of poses, how to meditate, breathe, eat and live according to yoga. I learnt how to apply the yogic philosophy principles into the daily live and how to create a balancing yoga practice. Especially the practice of the Emotional Blockage®

Treatment helped me to let go of past pain and tension and re-connect with myself on a deep level.

I loved the Ayurveda classes and practical Ayurveda classes where we got to make natural face masks, learn to take care of our body through Abhyanga (massage) and detoxify through natural supplements and dietary changes.

The yoga teacher training at Gyan Yog Breath was the best choice I could I have made. I can personally recommend this school to anyone looking for authentic yoga and personal growth. Gyan provided me with an oasis of peace, a safe haven of tranquillity and guidance to help me settle my inner stormy thoughts, questions and imbalances.

I left feeling rejuvenated, cleansed, lighter and more clear-minded than ever. I gained new drive and passion for life, more energy and mental peace. And I found a purpose along the way that motivates me to get up every morning and be the best version of myself.

About Gyan Yog Breath in Rishikesh

Gyan Yog Breath is one of the most experienced and traditional yoga schools and ashrams in India. Since 2008 they have been offering comprehensive and unique yoga courses such as the Yoga Alliance registered 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, yoga-therapy focused 300 hour yoga teacher training, intensive 500 hour yoga teacher training and Ayurveda Counseling course.

Gyan Yog Breath focuses on sharing authentic yogic teachings in an uplifting and empowering yogic environment. They speak 6 languages and guide each student individually as a part of their yoga family. Another focus is put on women’s health and teaching how yoga can affect and balance the natural cycle, hormones and emotions.

With their fertility yoga teacher training in India, Gyan Yog Breath has created an important educational path of yoga that teaches the Vedic rituals and practices for women and couples from pre-conception to parenthood; and how to overcome infertility.

About the Author

Maria is a 29-year old economic consultant and yoga teacher from Bavaria, Germany. After her degree, she pursued a career at various tech companies in Munich and Frankfurt. She went to learn yoga in India at 28 years old and began a new chapter in life filled with fulfilment and well-being. Since July 2023, she has been working as a yoga teacher for various companies in Germany, sharing her wisdom in workshops and business events.