
Are you looking for a yoga pose to help you find balance and stability? Look no further than the Tree Pose, also known as Vrikshasana in Sanskrit. This pose is a classic standing posture often taught in beginner yoga classes and can be modified to fit different levels of experience. In this article, we’ll explore What is Tree Pose, the benefits, variations, and techniques of Tree Pose so that you can add it to your yoga practice with confidence.

What is Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

What is Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)?

Yoga, the union of body and mind, has been practiced around the world for thousands of years because of its many benefits. The Tree Pose, often called Vrikshasana, is a basic yoga pose that can help you find stability and balance. This pose can be learned and practiced by most people, regardless of their yoga experience, and can be modified to fit various difficulty levels. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a beginner, the Tree Pose can be an important addition to your yoga practice.

What is the Tree Pose or Vrikshasana?

Tree Pose, or Vrikshasana as it is called in Sanskrit, is a standing yoga pose replicating a tree’s strong, graceful, and firm posture. In tree pose, you balance by standing on one leg while placing the sole of the other foot against the inner thigh of the standing leg.

Your arms can be raised above your head or held in a prayer position before your heart. The standing leg is engaged, while the raised leg is actively pressing into the thigh. The spine is lengthened, and the gaze or drishti is forward. Tree Pose is often held for several breaths, allowing the practitioner to find stability and balance in the posture.

Benefits of Tree Pose (Vrikshasana Pose)

Tree Pose has many benefits for the body and mind. Here are just a few:

what is vrikshasana

what is vrikshasana

Tree Pose helps to improve balance and stability

Tree pose requires a lot of focus and concentration, which can improve your balance and stability during your practice over time. You’ll also learn to engage the muscles in your feet and legs, which can help you strengthen the muscles and feel more stable.

Tree Pose helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs

Tree pose is a very effective way to strengthen all the muscles of your legs such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. The pose also engages the muscles of your inner thighs as it involves pressing your lifted leg into your thigh. These muscles also play an important role in maintaining balance and stability in other standing postures.

Tree Pose helps to Stretch the hips and groin

Tree Pose can also help open up your hips and groin, which can become tight from sitting for long periods. By placing your raised foot against your inner thigh, you’ll create a gentle stretch in these areas.

Tree Pose also helps to improve posture

Tree Pose supports the proper alignment of the spine, which can improve your posture over time. This pose will create a space between the vertebrae by lengthening your spine and lifting your chest, which helps to reduce your risk of back pain.

Tree Pose helps to calm the mind

Tree pose needs a lot of focus and concentration, which can help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. By tuning into your breath and focusing on the present moment, you’ll cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

How to Do Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)?

Follow these steps to practice Tree Pose:

Tree Pose Vrikshasana

Tree Pose Vrikshasana

  1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides.
  2. Feel your feet firmly rooted on the floor and ensure that your weight is evenly distributed on both toes and the heels of both feet.
  3. At this point, begin to shift your weight onto your left leg, keeping it straight. Remember not to lock your knee.
  4. Slowly lift your right foot off the floor, and bend your right knee to place the sole of your foot against the inside of your left thigh. If this is uncomfortable, you can put your foot against your ankle instead.
  5. Press your foot into your thigh and your thigh into your foot to create a sense of stability and balance. This will help you keep both hips square to the front so that your left hip doesn’t stick out.
  6. To help you keep your balance, fix your gaze on a steady object.
  7. Lengthen your spine, lift your arms above your head, and apply Anjali Mudra or Pranam Mudra by folding your hands. If you find it difficult to fully extend your arms overhead, bring your palms together in a prayer position or Anjali Mudra in front of your heart.
  8. Stay here for several breaths, focusing on your balance and stability.
  9. Release the pose by slowly lowering your hands down from the sides. You can slowly release the right leg.
  10. Stand straight again as you did at the beginning of Vrikshasana. Repeat the sequence of poses on the right thigh by lifting the left leg off the ground.

Variations of Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) for Begginer’s

Many variations of Tree Pose can make the posture more accessible or challenging, depending on your experience level. Here are a few:

Half Tree Pose

If you are new to tree pose or have trouble balancing, try Half Tree Pose. In this variation, you place the sole of your raised foot against your calf instead of your thigh. Alternatively, you can keep your toes on the floor and place your heel just above the opposite ankle. This modification can help you find more stability in the posture.

Wall Tree Pose

Wall Tree Pose is an easy but excellent way for beginners who initially find it difficult to balance on one leg. So, if you’re wobbly or worried about falling, doing a tree pose near a wall and using it as a balance aid will help you perform the pose.

Chair Tree Pose

If beginners find it uncomfortable to practice Vrikshasana while standing, it can also be done sitting comfortably with the help of a chair. Sit in a sturdy chair without arms. Now lengthen one leg forward, keeping your knee straight. Bend the other knee out to the side, bringing the ankle of the bent leg to the shin of the straight leg. Raise your arms in a V shape overhead or in front of your chest in Anjali Mudra. Hold the pose for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other side.

Reclining Tree Pose

If balancing on one leg is too difficult for you, a simple alternative to the standing tree pose can be practiced by performing the steps of the tree pose lying on the floor.

Variations of Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)for Advanced Practitioners

Once you’ve mastered the tree pose, you can make some advancement to make it more challenging. These modifications and advanced variations will challenge you to reach the expert level.

Blind Tree Pose

After you’ve mastered the Tree pose while gazing at a stable object, try to improve your balance and stability while doing Tree pose with your eyes closed. It is always okay to fall or stumble initially, but getting back up and balance is important.

Flying Tree Pose

To practice the advanced flying tree pose, you’ll start in Tree Pose and slowly bend forward at the hips, lengthening your arms out in front of you. Your raised leg lifts off the ground, and you balance on your standing leg while keeping your upper body parallel to the ground. This variation requires a lot of core strength and balance.

Some Common Mistakes in Tree Pose

Tree pose is a comparatively simple asana, yet people make some common mistakes. Here are some mistakes you should take care of:

Placing the foot too high on the thigh

Placing your raised foot too high on your thigh can create pressure on your knee joint and cause discomfort or injury. Instead, try putting your foot lower on your thigh or against your ankle.

Forgetting to engage the core

Tree Pose requires much core strength to maintain balance and stability. Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles and draw your belly button close to your spine.

Locking the standing knee

Locking your standing knee can cause hyperextension and strain on your joint. Instead, keep a slight bend in your knee and engage your thigh muscles to support the joint.

Beginner’s tips for practicing Vrikshasana or Tree Pose

Try these tips that will help you get the most out of your Tree Pose practice

  • Focus on your breath and find a steady, rhythmic pattern.
  • Engage your core muscles and draw your navel close to your spine to make the pose effective.
  • Ground down through your standing foot and imagine growing roots into the earth.
  • Visualize yourself as a tree with strong roots and a tall, stable trunk.
  • Practice the posture regularly to build strength and stability over time.


Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) is a simple yet powerful yoga posture that can help to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. By practicing this posture regularly, you can develop greater awareness of your body, improve your posture, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, Tree Pose is a valuable addition to any yoga practice.

So next time you step onto your yoga mat, take a moment to ground down through your feet, lift your gaze, and imagine yourself as a tall, strong tree rooted deep into the earth.

FAQs about Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Q-1-) Can I practice Tree Pose if I have knee pain?

If you have knee pain, it is best to avoid placing your raised foot against your thigh. Instead, try placing it against your ankle or calf. You can also try Half Tree Pose or skip this posture altogether and focus on other standing postures that don’t put as much pressure on the knees.

Q-2-) How long should I hold Tree Pose?

You can hold Tree Pose for as long as you feel comfortable. Aim for at least 5-10 breaths on each side, or longer if you’re comfortable.

Q-3-) Can I practice Tree Pose during pregnancy?

Tree Pose is generally safe to practice during pregnancy, but you should modify the posture to avoid placing pressure on your abdomen. Instead of raising your arms above your head, you can bring your hands in front of your chest in Namaste form.

Q-4-) Is Tree Pose suitable for beginners?

Yes, Tree Pose is a beginner-friendly posture that can be modified to suit different experience levels and flexibility. If you’re new to yoga, start with Half Tree Pose and work up to the full posture as you gain strength and balance.

Q-5-) Can Tree Pose helps with lower back pain?

Yes, tree pose can be very effective in relieving lower back pain. You can improve your posture and reduce pressure on the lower back by lengthening the spine and engaging the core muscles. Also, the asana can help to stretch the hips and relieve tension in the lower body.

Q-6-) What is tree pose good for?

Tree Pose or Vriksasana is great for helping with balance and focus, strengthening the spine, legs, hips, arms and core, and bringing stability to the lower back muscles.

Q-7-) Why it is called Tree Pose?

Tree pose, also known as Vrksasana or Vrikshasana, resembles a tree, where you bent one knee and place the foot in the inner thigh of other leg while raising your hands overhead, imitating a tree. Also this pose reflects the qualities of a tree that are strength, tolerance, endurance, balance and grace.

Q-8-) What bones are used in Tree Pose?

Tree pose actively uses the legs, feet, toes, arms, spine, hips, diaphragm, chest and rib cage.