What is Laghima Siddhi ?

Laghima Siddhi is a spiritual power which gives one the capacity to make your body weightless, as described by Patanjali as “light as a cotton fibre”. Laghima is derived from the word ‘Laghu’ which means very small or light. When it is perfected, combined with the control of the five elements, it is stated to give the ability of self-driven flight.

This ability does not alter the physical body, but instead changes the connection between the body and the outside laws of nature (gravity in this case). The flight that it gives is not like the aerodynamic sort that utilizes lift and thrust, but rather free movement through open and unblocked space, disregarding gravity and having other worldly control of the air.

It is believed that Laghima Siddhi can be obtained by implementing particular techniques of yoga, meditating (especially the combination of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, both directed at the Vishuddha Chakra and other elemental principles), Pranayama, and other Sadhanas.

Detailed information on Laghima Siddhi is found in the Puranas (the Devi Bhagavata Purana has the most comprehensive account), Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and other old yoga manuals. Additionally, Laghima Siddhi is also mentioned in various tantra texts, including the Kaulajñānanirṇaya and the Kālīkula-tantra. These texts describe the various mantras, mudras, and visualization techniques that are used to achieve the state of Laghima Siddhi. It is often associated with the mastery of the subtle body and the ability to levitate or become weightless.


Laghima Siddhi is a spiritual attainment that is believed to be achieved through the practice of yoga and meditation. The concept is found in various ancient Indian texts, including the Puranas, Yoga Sutras, and tantra texts. It is often associated with the mastery of the subtle body and the ability to levitate or become weightless.

Techniques for Achieving Laghima Siddhi

The techniques used to achieve Laghima Siddhi include:

  • Yoga –  Specific yoga postures and practices, such as Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, are believed to help activate the Vishuddha Chakra and other elemental principles.
  • Meditation –  Meditating on the Vishuddha Chakra and other elemental principles is believed to help achieve Laghima Siddhi.
  • Pranayama –  Specific breathing techniques, such as Nadi Shodhana and Kumbhaka, are believed to help control the flow of prana in the body and achieve Laghima Siddhi.
  • Sadhanas – Other spiritual practices, such as Japa and Hatha Yoga, are believed to help prepare the mind and body for the attainment of Laghima Siddhi.

Texts that mention Laghima Siddhi

The most comprehensive account of Laghima Siddhi can be found in the Devi Bhagavata Purana. Other texts that mention Laghima Siddhi include:

  • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – Laghima Siddhi is mentioned as one of the eight siddhis that can be achieved through yoga.
  • Kaulajnananirnaya and the Kalikula Tantra –  These tantra texts describe the various mantras, mudras, and visualization techniques that are used to achieve the state of Laghima Siddhi.

Yogic practice of Laghima Siddhi

The yogic practice of Laghima Siddhi is one of the most powerful and rewarding forms of meditation. It is a form of self-realization, allowing one to move beyond the boundaries of the body and mind and enter a state of true freedom.

To practice Laghima Siddhi, one must begin with vinyasa, or the practice of moving through postures. This helps to prepare the body and mind for the deep meditative state that Laghima Siddhi requires. Once in the meditative state, one must focus on the breath, allowing it to take center stage.

This can be done through pranayama, or the practice of mindful breathing. As the breath deepens, so too does the meditative state. This is the point at which the practitioner can begin to open up to the power of Laghima Siddhi and begin to experience the joy and freedom it brings. With practice and dedication, Laghima Siddhi can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

Laghima Siddhi and Mantras

Laghima Siddhi and mantras are powerful tools for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. The Laghima Siddhi is an ancient practice which involves chanting sacred mantras and visualizing the attainment of great strength and power.

This technique helps to clear the mind and concentrate on one’s spiritual purpose. Practicing the Laghima Siddhi can help to unlock psychic powers and achieve enlightenment. Mantras are another powerful tool that can be used to gain spiritual insight and power.

Reciting mantras with intention can help to focus the mind and bring clarity to one’s thoughts and feelings. The combination of Laghima Siddhi and mantras can be a powerful way to elevate the spirit, gain inner peace, and move closer to a higher level of consciousness.

Laghima Siddhi and Vishuddha Chakra

Laghima Siddhi and Vishuddha Chakra are closely related concepts in the practice of yoga and meditation. The Vishuddha Chakra, also known as the Throat Chakra, is one of the seven primary chakras in the human body. It is located in the throat region and is associated with the element of ether.

In the context of Laghima Siddhi, the Vishuddha Chakra is believed to play a crucial role in the attainment of the siddhi. The practice of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, all directed at the Vishuddha Chakra, is believed to help activate the chakra and enable the practitioner to achieve Laghima Siddhi. Meditating on the Vishuddha Chakra is also believed to help achieve the state of Laghima Siddhi.

Additionally, the mastery of the Vishuddha Chakra is also believed to bestow the ability to levitate or become weightless. The mastery of the Vishuddha Chakra is also believed to give the practitioner the ability to control the five elements of the universe, and to become one with the ether element.

It should be noted that the relationship between Laghima Siddhi and the Vishuddha Chakra is a matter of belief and the concept of Laghima Siddhi is not universally accepted. As always, it’s important to seek guidance from a qualified teacher when attempting to practice Laghima Siddhi or to work with the chakras.

How to get Laghima Siddhi?

Laghima Siddhi, like other siddhis, is said to be attained through the practice of yoga and meditation. The specific methods for obtaining this siddhi are not widely available, as they are typically taught by a guru or spiritual teacher in the context of a spiritual tradition.

However, in general, the path to obtaining a siddhi involves a combination of physical yoga practices, such as asanas and pranayama, and spiritual practices such as meditation and devotion to a personal deity. It also requires consistent and dedicated practice over a long period of time, as well as guidance from a qualified spiritual teacher.


Laghima Siddhi is a spiritual yogic power that finds mention in ancient Indian scriptures. It is believed that this can be achieved through dedication and discipline towards meditation, yoga and spiritual practices. It is also said to provide many benefits including improved physical and mental health, increased attention and concentration, and the ability to levitate and fly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1- Where is the mention of Laghima Siddhi found?

A1- Laghima Siddhi is mentioned in several ancient Indian scriptures, most notably in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Q2- How can Laghima Siddhi be achieved?
A2- It is said that achieving Laghima Siddhi requires strict ethical codes, principles and regular practice of certain techniques of yoga and intense meditation to purify one’s mind and body. But only attaining siddhis should not be the ultimate goal of a yogi.

Q3- Are there people who have attained Laghima Siddhi even today?

A3- Many spiritual leaders and other mystics have in recent years demonstrated the miraculous ability to fly and float freely off the floor as if they were not in gravity.

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Rajat Maheshwari

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