what is anima siddhi


Anima Siddhi ( an ability to become smallest in size like an atom ) is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to help unlock the hidden potential within us. It is an esoteric science that has the power to open up new pathways to self-discovery and personal growth. In this blog article, we will explore what is Anima Siddhi, and how it can benefit you.

We will also look at the different types of Anima Siddhi and how to practice it. Finally, we will discuss the challenges and benefits of unlocking Anima Siddhi and how to find a teacher or guide to help you on your journey.

What is Anima Siddhi?

Anima Siddhi is the power to shrink the body to the tiniest size possible. By obtaining this siddhi, someone can reduce their body to the size of an atom and even become undetectable or Invisible. Additionally, they gain extraordinary strength and the ability to be more amiable.

Anima Siddhi is an ancient science that has been practiced in India for thousands of years. It is a form of yogic Science, which is the practice of unifying the mind, body and spirit. The word ‘anima’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘anu’ which means ‘atom’ or the ‘smallest’. Anima Siddhi is a type of meditation that is used to access the hidden power within us and unlock our potential.

Anima Siddhi is a Sanskrit term that literally means “power of the soul”. It is a form of meditation that focuses on cultivating a deeper understanding of ourselves and of the universe. Anima Siddhi helps to open up our minds and to allow us to access our inner strength and creativity.

Unlock Anima Siddhi

Unlocking Anima Siddhi requires dedication and commitment. It is a process that requires extreme patience and hard practice. It is not something that can be achieved overnight, and it may take some time before you begin to experience the benefits.

The Important step in unlocking Anima Siddhi is to find a teacher or guru who can help you on your journey. A guru can provide guidance and support, as well as offer advice and insights. They can also help you to understand the different types of Anima Siddhi and how to practice it.

The next step is to begin practicing Anima Siddhi. It is important to find a comfortable and quiet place where you can practice without distraction.

It is also important to be patient with yourself and to be mindful of your progress. Anima Siddhi is a process of self-discovery and personal growth, and it may take some time before you begin to experience the full benefits.

Practicing Anima Siddhi

Once you have found a way that works for you, it is important to commit to regular practice. This will help to ensure that you are consistently working towards unlocking the power of Anima Siddhi.

When practicing Anima Siddhi, it is important to remain mindful and present at the moment. It is also important to be patient with yourself and to be mindful of your progress.

It may take some time before you begin to experience the full benefits of Anima Siddhi. However, with dedication and commitment, you can begin to unlock the hidden potential within you and experience a deeper connection to your inner self.

The Benefits of Anima Siddhi

Practicing Anima Siddhi can bring many benefits.

  • It can help to open up new pathways to self-discovery and personal growth.
  • It can help us to access our inner strength and creativity and to tap into our hidden potential.
  • Practicing Anima Siddhi can also help us to become more mindful and present at the moment.
  • It can help us to identify and release any negative thoughts or patterns that are holding us back from our true potential.
  • It can also help us to become more compassionate and understanding toward ourselves and others.

Finally, practicing Anima Siddhi can help us to develop a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it. It can help us to see the interconnectedness of all things, and to develop a sense of harmony and balance within our lives.

Common Challenges in Unlocking Anima Siddhi

Unlocking Anima Siddhi can be a challenging process. It requires dedication and commitment, and it may take some time before you begin to experience the full benefits.

It is important to be patient with yourself and to be mindful of your progress. Anima Siddhi is a process of self-discovery and personal growth, and it may take some time before you begin to experience the full benefits.

It is also important to remain mindful and present at the moment. It is important to be aware of any negative thoughts or patterns that may be holding you back from your true potential.

It is believed to be an obstacle in your journey towards the ultimate purpose of your life which is moksha or liberation.


Anima Siddhi is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to help unlock the hidden potential within us. It is an esoteric science that has the power to open up new pathways to self-discovery and personal growth.

It can help us to access our inner strength and creativity and to tap into our hidden potential. It can also help us to become more mindful and present at the moment, and to develop a deeper understanding of the universe and of our place within it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1- Can Anima Siddhi be achieved through practice?

A1- Yes, Anima Siddhi or all the Ashta Siddhis can be attained through practice, but no ordinary person can attain them as it requires long penance, abstinence from many worldly desires and guidance of a Guru.

Q2- Why is it said that one should not perform Sadhana or spiritual practice just to achieve Siddhis or yogic powers?

A2- Ashta Siddhis distract you from the main path of spiritual progress. Also, after attaining these yogic powers, the seeker forgets his basic duties and gets entangled in siddhis. That’s why it is said not to perform Sadhana only to attain Siddhis.

Q3- How Lord Hanuman ji used Anima Siddhi?

A3- According to Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman used Anima Siddhi to serve his unwavering devotion towards Lord Rama and at the same time he always used his powers for the good of others.