
Kundalini is an ancient practice of awakening the divine energy within us. It is believed to be the source of our life force and the key to spiritual and physical awakening. The practice of Kundalini involves activating and balancing the 7 chakras, or energy vortexes, located along the spine. This in-depth guide will explore each of the seven chakras of Kundalini Yoga, their properties, and the practices for awakening them.

seven chakras of Kundalini

You will gain an understanding of the subtle energies of each chakra and the transformation that can occur when they are balanced. With this knowledge, you can access powerful spiritual and physical healing that can help you live a healthier, more balanced life.

The Seven Chakras

There are seven main chakras within the human energy system. Each chakra relates to a specific part of the body and to a specific frequency of energy that is either growing or decaying.

Root Chakra ( Muladhara – मूलाधार चक्र ): This governs our connection to the Earth and our sense of security. It is located at the base of the spinal cord.

Sacral Chakra ( Swadhisthana – स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र ): This chakra is related to our creativity and sexuality. It is located in the sacral region of the body.

Solar Plexus Chakra ( Manipura – मणिपूर चक्र ): This chakra relates to our self-esteem and how we relate to others. The solar plexus area of the body is its location.

Heart Chakra ( Anahata – अनाहत चक्र ): This chakra is related to our ability to love and be loved. It is located at the centre of the chest.

Throat Chakra ( Vishuddha – विशुद्ध चक्र ): This chakra is related to our ability to speak our truth, be creative, and learn. It is situated at the foundation of the neck.

Third Eye Chakra ( Ajna – आज्ञा चक्र ): This chakra is related to our intuition, wisdom, and ability to see the truth about ourselves and others. It is located between the eyes.

Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara – सहस्रार चक्र ): This chakra is related to our connection to the divine and our spiritual evolution. It is situated at the highest point of the head.

Root Chakra ( Muladhara – मूलाधार चक्र )

The root chakra is the foundation from which our energy flows and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the colour red and fire and water elements. The root chakra is responsible for our sense of security, both physically and spiritually.

As this chakra is awakened, you will feel a more excellent sense of stability and balance. You will also have a stronger connection to the Earth and a better awareness of your own energy.

The best way to work with the root chakra is through self-love. It just means you love and respect yourself without expecting to be different. You should also make an effort to become aware of your energy and how you are connected to the Earth. You can achieve this through visualizations, grounding exercises, and meditations.

Sacral Chakra ( Swadhisthana – स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र )

The sacral chakra is related to our creativity, our ability to love, and our sexuality. It is located in the sacral area of the body and is associated with the colours orange and yellow and the elements of water and Earth.

The sacral chakra influences our ability to create and form relationships with others. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more creative and capable of forming close relationships with others.

You can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations when working with the sacral chakra. You can also find a creative outlet that helps you to feel more fulfilled and connected to the world.

Solar Plexus Chakra ( Manipura – मणिपूर चक्र )

The solar plexus chakra relates to our self-esteem and how we relate to others. It is located at the solar plexus area of the body and is associated with the colours yellow and green and the elements of Earth and fire.

This chakra influences our self-esteem and our ability to be confident and in control. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more in control of yourself and less vulnerable to criticism and shame.

You can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations when working with the solar plexus chakra. You can also take on challenges that make you feel more confident in your abilities and help you to discover your potential.

Heart Chakra ( Anahata – अनाहत चक्र )

The heart chakra is related to our ability to love and be loved. It is located at the centre of the chest and is associated with the colours green and pink and the elements of air and water.

This chakra influences our ability to love and be loved by others and our capacity for compassion. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more capable of giving and receiving love.

When working with the heart chakra, you can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations. You can also take on challenges that help you to open up to others and express your love and compassion for the world.

Throat Chakra ( Vishuddha – विशुद्ध चक्र )

The throat chakra is related to our ability to speak our truth, be creative, and learn. It is located at the base of the neck and is associated with the colours blue and turquoise and the elements of air and fire.

This chakra influences our capacity to speak our truth and express ourselves, as well as our ability to learn new things. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more capable of expressing yourself honestly and creatively.

When working with the throat chakra, you can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations. You can also take on challenges that help you to open up and express yourself honestly, such as public speaking.

Third Eye Chakra ( Ajna – आज्ञा चक्र )

The third eye chakra is related to our intuition, wisdom, and ability to see the truth about ourselves and others. It is located between the eyes and is associated with the colours indigo and violet and the elements of air and fire.

This chakra influences our ability to understand ourselves and the world around us. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more connected to your intuition, your ability to reason, and your ability to see the truth about yourself and others.

When working with the third eye chakra, you can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations. You can also take on challenges that require you to use your intuition, such as making important decisions.

Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara – सहस्रार चक्र )

The crown chakra is related to our connection to the divine and our spiritual evolution. It is located at the top of the head and is associated with the colours violet and white and air and ether elements.

This chakra influences our connection to the divine, our ability to see the grand scheme of things, and our capacity for self-love and appreciation. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel more connected to the divine and your own potential.

You can try visualizations, breathing exercises, and meditations when working with the crown chakra. You can also take on challenges that help you open up to the divine and appreciate your potential, such as practicing gratitude.

Practices for Awakening the Chakras

There are many practices that you can use to awaken the chakras. These include yoga and meditation, as well as breathing and visualization exercises. Each chakra has unique practices that will help awaken it and bring it into balance.

  • Root Chakra: To awaken the root chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve the legs and feet, such as the downward-facing dog pose. You can also try grounding exercises that connect you to the Earth, such as walking barefoot outside or sitting with your feet against a wall. You can also try meditating on the color red to help you connect with the root chakra.
  • Sacral Chakra: To awaken the sacral chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve the hips and pelvic area, such as the half-pigeon pose. You can also try meditating on the color orange to help you connect with the sacral chakra.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: To awaken the solar plexus chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve the stomach and upper back, such as the cobra pose. You can also try meditating on the color yellow to help you connect with the solar plexus chakra.
  • Heart Chakra: To awaken the heart chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve the chest and upper back, such as the camel pose. You can also try meditating on the color green to help you connect with the heart chakra.
  • Throat Chakra: To awaken the throat chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve the neck, such as the fish pose. You can also try meditating on the color blue to help you connect with the throat chakra.
  • Third Eye Chakra: To awaken the third eye chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve balancing and focusing your gaze, such as the eagle pose. You can also try meditating on the color indigo to help you connect with the third eye chakra.
  • Crown Chakra: To awaken the crown chakra, try practicing yoga poses that involve focusing your attention upward and honouring your spiritual connection with something larger than yourself, such as tree pose. You can also try meditating on the color violet to help you connect with the crown chakra.

Benefits of Awakening the Chakras

The benefits of awakening the chakras are numerous.

  • Awakening the chakras can help you to experience a greater connection to your body and mind, allowing you to feel more balanced and at peace.
  • It can also help you to increase your awareness of your emotions and create a sense of calm in your life.
  • Additionally, awakening the chakras can help to improve your physical health, as each chakra corresponds with an area of the body that can benefit from increased energy flow.
  • Finally, awakening the chakras can help you to become more in tune with yourself and your spiritual path.


Awakening the chakras is essential in achieving balance and harmony in your life. Through yoga, meditation, and other practices, you can learn to tap into the energy of each chakra, allowing you to feel more connected to yourself and your environment. With regular practice of connecting with the chakras, you can experience greater peace and well-being in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1- What is the number of petals in all seven chakras?

A1- The chakras are also depicted as lotuses, and each chakra symbol is represented with a different number of petals, expressing the vibrational frequency of the particular energy channel.

  • Root Chakra contains 4 petals.
  • Sacral Chakra has 6 petals.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra contains 10 petals.
  • Heart Chakra contains 12 petals.
  • Throat Chakra contains 16 petals.
  • Third Eye Chakra contains 2 petals.
  • Crown Chakra has 1,000 petals.

Q2- Why are the colors of the seven chakras considered like a rainbow?

A2- The seven chakras’ colors, also known as the spectrum of white light, reflect the seven colors of the rainbow. When sunlight is transmitted through water droplets, the colors of the rainbow always emerge in the same order as they appear in the seven chakras red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Q3- Why is the Crown Chakra considered a bridge to the universe?

A3- The seventh energy channel, called the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara, is at the top of the head. It acts as a gateway to a new dimension of awareness that connects to the higher self and where the individual soul unites with the cosmic consciousness, which is why it is considered a bridge to the universe.

Q4- Does yoga and meditation help open the chakras?

A4- Yes, regular yoga and meditation practice helps unblock and open the nadis and all the seven chakras of the body.

Q5- How to know if there is an imbalance of the chakras?

A5- When the chakras and nadis are open and balanced, prana, or life force, flows freely through the body, leading to a well-balanced life.

When any of these seven chakras are blocked, you can experience a wide range of physical and emotional problems, including digestive issues, pain and stiffness, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, depression, communication issues, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, low self-esteem and lack of inspiration and motivation.

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Bhavika Panesar

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