nine nidhi in yoga

Do you feel stuck in life? Do you feel that you have been unable to tap into your full potential? If yes, then it’s time to explore the power of Nidhis in Yoga. Nidhis are powerful energy centers that can unlock your potential and help you reach your highest potential. In this article, we will discuss the concept of Nine Nidhi in Yoga, and how to identify your own Nidhi, tips and techniques to strengthen your Nidhi and how to use Nidhis to unlock your potential.

Introduction to Nidhis in Yoga

Nidhis are energy centers that are located at the base of your spine. They are believed to be the source of your creative potential and spiritual growth. In Yoga, it is believed that the nine Nidhis awaken the power of your inner potential and help you to reach your highest potential. Each Nidhi has a different energy and each of them is associated with different aspects of your life.

The Nine Nidhi in Yoga are called the Kundalini, Agni, Vayu, Prana, shakti, Tejas, Jyoti, Vishnu and Brahman. These nine Nidhis are associated with the nine chakras (energy centers) in your body. When these Nidhis are activated, they awaken and energize the nine chakras in your body.

Benefits of Nidhis in Yoga

The nine Nidhis in Yoga has many benefits. The first and foremost benefit is that they help to increase your self-awareness. When these Nidhis are awakened, you become more aware of your inner self, your strengths and weaknesses, and your potential. This increased awareness helps you to identify your goals and take steps to achieve them.

The nine Nidhis also help to balance your energy. When the energy of the nine Nidhis is balanced, it helps to balance your mental, physical and emotional health. This balance allows you to be more productive and fulfilled in life.

The nine Nidhis also help to unlock your spiritual growth. When these Nidhis are activated, they help to awaken your spiritual potential. This spiritual potential can be used to connect with your higher self and to explore spiritual truths.

What are the 9 Nidhi in Yoga?

The nine Nidhis in Yoga are as follows:

Kundalini –  Kundalini is the energy of awakening and is associated with the root chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to awaken your creative potential and spiritual growth.

Agni – Agni is the energy of transformation and is associated with the sacral chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to transform your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Vayu – Vayu is the energy of action and is associated with the solar plexus chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to take action and manifest your intentions.

Prana – Prana is the energy of life and is associated with the heart chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring life and energy into your life.

Shakti – Shakti is the energy of growth and is associated with the throat chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring growth and expansion into your life.

Tejas – Tejas is the energy of clarity and is associated with the third eye chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring clarity and focus into your life.

Jyoti – Jyoti is the energy of illumination and is associated with the crown chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring illumination and understanding into your life.

Vishnu – Vishnu is the energy of protection and is associated with the soul star chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring protection and guidance into your life.

Brahman – Brahman is the energy of unity and is associated with the soul star chakra. When this Nidhi is activated, it helps to bring unity and connectedness into your life.

How to identify your own Nidhi in Yoga?

The key to unlocking your inner potential is to identify your own Nidhi. To do this, you need to take a few moments to connect with your inner self. Start by taking a few deep breaths and sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the energy within your body.

As you do this, pay attention to the sensations in your body. Notice the areas of your body that feel energized and the areas that feel blocked. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that come up. Once you have connected with your inner self, take some time to reflect on the nine Nidhis and how they relate to your life.

Once you have done this, you will be able to identify your own Nidhi. It may take some time and practice to identify your Nidhi, but once you do, you will be able to use it to unlock your potential.

Tips on developing your Nidhi in Yoga

Once you have identified your own Nidhi, it’s time to start developing it. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  1. Connect with your Nidhi – Start by taking a few moments to connect with your Nidhi. Visualize it and take some time to feel the energy of your Nidhi. Feel the energy flowing through your body and feel the power of your Nidhi.
  2. Practice Yoga – Yoga is a great way to connect with your Nidhi and develop its power. Take some time to practice yoga poses that are associated with your Nidhi such as postures, breathwork, meditation and chanting.
  3. Connect with Nature – Nature is a great source of energy and can help to awaken your Nidhi. Take some time to connect with nature and feel the energy of the Earth and the Universe.
  4. Set Intentions – Setting intentions is a great way to focus your energy and develop your Nidhi. Take some time to set intentions for the day, week or month and focus your energy on manifesting them.
  5. Journal – Journaling is a great way to connect with your inner self and explore your Nidhi. Spend some time each day to write down your thoughts, feelings and any insights that come up.

Techniques to strengthen your Nidhi in Yoga

Once you have identified your Nidhi and started to develop it, it’s time to start strengthening it. Here are some techniques that you can use to strengthen your Nidhi:

  1. Pranayama – Pranayama is a form of breathwork that can help to awaken and energize your Nidhi. Spend some time each day to practice pranayama and feel the energy of your Nidhi.
  2. Affirmations – Affirmations are a great way to focus your energy and strengthen your Nidhi. Take some time each day to repeat affirmations related to your Nidhi and feel the power of the energy.
  3. Visualization – Visualization is a great way to connect with your Nidhi and strengthen it. Spend some time each day to visualize your Nidhi and feel the power of its energy.
  4. Meditation – Meditation is a great way to connect with your inner self and explore your Nidhi. Take some time each day to meditate and explore the power of your Nidhi.
  5. Mantras – Mantras are a great way to focus your energy and strengthen your Nidhi. Spend some time each day to repeat mantras related to your Nidhi and feel its power.

How to use Nidhis to unlock your potential?

Once you have identified your Nidhi and strengthened it, it’s time to start using it to unlock your potential. To do this, focus your energy on manifesting your intentions and goals. As you focus your energy on manifesting your intentions, you will start to feel the power of your Nidhi.

You can also use your Nidhi to connect with your higher self and explore spiritual truths. Spend some time each day to connect with your higher self and explore your spiritual potential. As you do this, you will start to feel the power of your Nidhi and you will be able to use it to unlock your potential.


Nidhis are powerful energy centers that can help to unlock your potential and help you reach your highest potential. By identifying your own Nidhi and developing and strengthening it, you can use it to unlock your potential and reach your highest potential. So take some time to explore the power of Nidhis in Yoga and use them to unlock your inner potential.