karma yoga in bhagavad gita

Karma Yoga in Bhagavad Gita

What is Karma Yoga, or Karma Marga ( Way of Karma ), This is one of Hinduism’s four classical spiritual paths in Bhagavad Gita. It is a path based on action and is the opposite of other, more intellectual spiritual paths. The others are Bhakti yoga, Raja yoga, and Jnana yoga.

karma yoga in bhagavad gita

What is Karma Yoga in Bhagavad Gita?

The Bhagavad Gita contains many great teachings for the practitioner of yoga, including karma yoga. The first step in this practice is changing your own life. You must change your thinking and conduct your daily activities with full awareness. You must change your thoughts and behaviour if you wish to affect change in the world.

Karma Yoga

Karma yoga, which is the path of selfless action, leads to salvation. It is a path that can be practiced in our daily lives. We must act with full awareness in everything we do. Whether it is caring for your child or helping a farmer raise his crop, we must treat all tasks with intention.

The karma law is one of the central doctrines in the Bhagavad Gita. In fact, this practice has a huge impact on the life of modern man. The concept of karma yoga encompasses our social and spiritual behaviours and our attitudes. It has influenced many great people and freedom fighters, including Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, and Aurbindo Ghosh.

To practice karma yoga, we need to make a list of all the duties in our lives. We should prioritize them according to their importance. When we perform a duty, we should do it in the interest of serving God. It is important to remember that every action is derived from the supreme Spirit and should be done as an instrument of the Divine.

Nivritti ( Free from Wrong Deeds )

Nivritti in karma yoga is the doctrine that teaches that renunciation in action enhances spiritual growth. Krishna, known as Yogeshwara, teaches Arjuna the art of renunciation in action, known as Yukta-Vairagya. While Krishna accepts both forms of renunciation, he considers active renunciation the more effective and practical.


The first step is realizing that Nivritti is the start of moving away from the world and not an end. Nivritti is a Sattvic principle, and it is the foundation for both religion and morality. Once a person has achieved Nivritti, they will experience true happiness and complete satisfaction. Nivritti is a practice of self-abnegation, and the goal of karma-yoga is to attain it.

Nivritti in karma yoga is the path to enlightenment, and it focuses on the welfare of both the Soul and the body. It requires renunciation of the senses and the realization that everything in this world is hollow and empty. The mind continually circles towards the senses and must be redirected back to Nivritti in order to achieve salvation.

Renunciation ( Devoting all action to god )

Karma Yoga is a form of spiritual practice. Its principal purpose is the purification of the mind. According to the Bhagavad Gita, renunciation is an essential part of this process. However, renunciation does not mean the abandonment of everyday duties. Nor does it mean that a person should become obtuse about the affairs of the world.


The Gita is a text that promotes the virtues of karma yoga. It teaches us to renounce the ego and focus on the energy. The Gita teaches us that karma is a law of energy. The act of karma teaches us that we cannot avoid action. Therefore, we should not abandon action, even if we don’t feel like it at that moment.

While it is important to understand that renunciation is not the same as giving up action, it is about giving up the false belief that we are the doer/actor. This is a fundamental distinction between karma yoga and Sanyasa yoga. While Sanyasa yoga is for the contemplative mind, karma yoga is for the active mind. While both are essential for attaining liberation, Renunciation is a crucial component of both.

Buddhi ( Internal Intelligence )

Karma yoga in the Bhagavad Gita context is a kind of devotional activity. It aims at attaining a state of transcendence. This type of yoga is not about ritual observances but about following the Spirit of the scriptures. It involves renunciation of selfish desires and living a life of sacrifice.


The verses of the Bhagavad Gita that relate to karma yoga are found in the chapter on Sankhya yoga. This system of philosophy asserts that the ultimate uncaused reality is beyond creation. In this system, Buddhi occupies a special position in the evolution process. According to the Bhagavad-Gita, karma yoga is a form of Buddhi Yoga.

When a person awakens to his or her buddhi, they are free from ignorance. The wisdom revealed by buddhi allows them to differentiate between good and evil, truth from false hood, and Self from non-self. Their disciplined intelligence is focused and has a clear aim. It is a great asset to achieve the purpose of life.

Sattva ( Purity and Peacefulness )

There are three main Gunas ( Virtues ) in the world: Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva. Each has its own characteristics. Sattva is the highest quality of life. Rajas and Tamas are the lowest quality of life. Those who wish to achieve a balance between them should learn the Yamas and Niyamas.


The highest level of Sattva is supreme awareness. It manifests in the form of a clear mind, intuitive thinking, and spiritual energy. Unlike the Rajas Guna, which is coloured by passion, craving, and attachment, Sattva is completely free of all these attributes. On the other hand, the Rajas Guna is a person with an inflated ego, material attachments, and a desire for more. Their passion and desire for more will distract them from their higher goal and divert their energy into laborious endeavours.

Bhagavad Gita teaches that a person’s actions will affect the state of their mind. In addition to this, Sattva will increase your happiness and contentment and lower your Tamas. Ultimately, your goal is to increase your Sattva Guna and reduce your rajas.

Svadhyaya ( Study of Self )

The Bhagavad Gita chapter three is all about karma yoga. It is the practice of giving service to others, and Krishna introduced it to Arjuna while he was on a chariot. Arjuna had a dilemma: should he take up arms against his family, or should he refrain?


Krishna’s response to Arjuna’s dilemma was karma yoga. Rather than abstaining from action or giving up on the world, one must realize that all actions are based on Gunas, the energies that are born out of Nature.

The principle of Karma Yoga is simple: we must serve the needs of others. Our actions bring about karma, and we must be aware of the consequences of our actions. We must therefore act in accordance with these principles.

Among the examples of exemplary people who practice Karma Yoga include Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Both of these dedicated their lives to serving the poor and working to free India from poverty. Both were simple, plain clothes and spoke softly.

Yajna ( Sacrifice of Excess )

The Bhagavad Gita mentions a Yajna called Bhoktaram Yajna-Tapasam. This is a kind of sacrifice where the king offers his horse, and the priests recite Mantras in his ears. He then releases the horse and an army to protect it. If another kingdom tries to enter the Yajna, it has to fight or surrender with the accompanying army.


The Bhagavad Gita mentions many types of sacrifices. Some people choose to sacrifice their property, others offer extreme austerities, and yet others observe strict vows. While the types of sacrifices are varied, they all have a spiritual and philosophical touch. They are comprehensive and are designed to elevate the soul.

While the concept of sacrifice is ancient, Shri Krishna has re-set the rituals and assigned new meanings to them. Yajna is a form of oblation that yields a wish. Food and rain are produced as a result of Yajnas. The goal is to fulfil the wishes of the Devas through this process.

The Benefits of Karma Yoga

The practice of karma yoga can benefit your personal and professional life in many ways.

benefits of karma yoga

  • It can help you build new skills and become more aware of the world around you. It can also improve relationships.
  • It promotes compassion and empathy and helps you to overcome negative emotions. These qualities can help you in your work and in your relationships.
  • The practice of karma yoga can help you improve your mental state, and it can help you achieve peace of mind.
  • The karma yogi has a positive attitude toward his work and life, and this can help you get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. This practice can also help you define your priorities and maintain a strong mental state.
  • The practice of karma yoga requires you to do good to others without expecting anything in return. Examples of selfless acts include feeding a baby or carrying a stranger. By doing good deeds for others, you can achieve a positive mindset and improve your outlook on life.
  • Karma yoga helps you to be more compassionate and understanding of others.
  • Karma yoga can help you develop a more flexible mind, a more understanding attitude, and a more spiritual outlook. By doing selfless actions, you will become closer to God. Karma yoga will help you to be more focused on God throughout the day.
  • The Buddha taught us that we should not be afraid of doing good because doing good will bring us happiness. According to Barbara Frederickson, this is the reason why natural selection favours those who do good.

The 4 Principles of Karma Yoga

To practice Karma Yoga, it is necessary to lead a simple life and develop a calm mind. It is also essential to mix with all sorts of people and view everyone equally. In addition, you must believe in your guru and scriptures and be able to adapt to others’ behaviours. Throughout your life, you have probably observed some yogis who have lived simple, straightforward lives.


Karma Yoga teaches us that our duty in this world is to do our best, regardless of the consequences.

  • While performing a duty frees our soul from karmic debt, non-performance binds us to our karma. Therefore, in the path of God, we must perform every duty with our best effort.
  • Our actions must be consistent with our attitude and intention, but even a slight improvement will free us from bondage and criticism.
  • Duty as a principle of Karma Yoga is a principle rooted in the Buddhist tradition. According to tradition, every living thing has duties. Some of these duties are given against our will, while others are chosen by our will.
  • We cannot perform all duties at the same time, so we must prioritize our tasks. If we fail to do our duty, our actions will lead to all kinds of trouble. For example, if we do not do our duty to our wife, she may become angry.
  • The primary duty of a medical doctor is to help his patients. He had neglected his primary duty of caring for patients. He should have fulfilled his duty before taking on the other duties. A physician should prioritize his duties and perform them in order of importance.


One of the central principles of Karma Yoga is the importance of doing one’s duty without any attachment or ego.

  • Doing one’s duty means not thinking about the outcome of an action but rather performing the action as a participation in the cosmic setup and scheme. In Karma Yoga, the action’s result is to serve God’s will.
  • When we give, we experience joy. However, egoistic pleasure is body-conditioned and not universal.
  • In giving to someone else, we share part of our own ego. The ego is happy, but it is pricked. In contrast, when we give away something to someone else, we experience grief.
  • The ego is a powerful emotion that influences our perceptions of others and ourselves. We must recognize that we are not the only ones who experience suffering in life.
  • Our daily actions have a profound impact on the world around us. Therefore, we must change ourselves in order to change the world.


Karma Yoga emphasizes the importance of non-attachment. The principle of non-attachment is rooted in the Bhagavad Gita.

  • The scripture states that attachment is the result of striving for something without considering its ultimate value. As a result, the attachment causes anxiety and stress. In contrast, non-attachment leads to a feeling of fulfilment and peace.
  • The practice of Karma Yoga requires the practitioner to give up attachment to objects, people, and activities. This means that one must complete his or her duties with equal effort and without any personal preference.
  • Furthermore, one must also let go of favouritism and self-importance. During Karma Yoga, the practitioner must see the world as it really is and cannot favour one person over another.
  • The aim of karma yoga is to benefit the world by doing good. This means working to benefit others without expecting anything in return. But when one becomes attached to the results of one’s efforts, they are likely to experience stress, jealousy, and hatred, which can ultimately lead to physical and mental illnesses.
  • Practising Karma Yoga can lead a more fulfilling and peaceful life, free of ego and resentment.

Expectation of Reward

Practicing Karma Yoga, or service, involves forgoing personal needs and acts with pure intentions to benefit others.

  • According to the Bhagavad Gita, this is the path to purifying the mind and achieving liberation of the Spirit. Through selfless acts, you can help others while not expecting any reward.
  • This ancient practice has been practiced in many religions for thousands of years and even through the ages. Its basic principles are quite simple to follow, and it is an important part of the practice for many yogis. One of the first is to release the expectation of reward.
  • The reward may be a monetary reward, a Karma Yogi doesn’t attach his or her actions to it. Instead, he or she relinquishes the idea of cause-and-effect and responds to intuitive cues.

Importance of Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is a type of yoga in which practitioners take responsibility for their own actions. The goal of karma yoga is to transform the mind, allowing the sincere aspirant to experience freedom.

  • Detachment is an essential component of karma yoga, as it helps the aspirant to become less susceptible to stress and to better understand their own emotional state.
  • Karma yoga examines how we interact with life and how we handle desire and other driving forces. In so doing, it helps us understand the universal aspects of life and puts us face-to-face with our individuality.
  • Desire and suffering are given a great deal of attention in the spiritual culture of India, and the way we deal with these aspects of life plays an important role in our lives.
  • As a result, karma yoga can be a powerful tool for understanding Krishna’s teachings. When we understand Krishna’s teachings more fully, we are more likely to feel inspired by his message. In the Gita, karma yoga references are abundant, particularly in chapters two and four.

Types of Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is a type of spiritual discipline in which a person performs duties in their daily life for the benefit of others. This type of selfless work generates merit for the individual as long as it is performed with love.

However, it is important to note that human beings cannot avoid impurity in their daily lives. Therefore, it is pivotal to understand how to perform duties without impurity and still achieve the goal of achieving self-realization.

Karma yoga can be classified into two categories: Sacred and Secular.


Sacred karma yoga is for those who have realized that there is nothing to gain by doing things but only to benefit others. The final form of sacred karma yoga is karma jnana sannyasa. The practitioner of this type of karma yoga achieves moksha, which is a state of self-knowledge. However, the practitioner must be aware that the negation of the doer does not render duality since Maya remains.


The Secular laws of karma are the foundation of karma yoga. They dictate that every action has consequences, with good karma coming sooner than bad karma. It is these consequences that determine the fate of a person.

How to Practice Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is the art of doing your duty without attachment to the outcome. Those who practice Karma Yoga do not compete with other people, nor do they teach better than others. The only thing that is important in this practice is to give without attachment and to do your task with awareness. This means that if you want to change the world, you need to change yourself first.

  • You should make a catalogue of all your duties in life and prioritize them according to their importance. Then, you should begin performing these duties every day.
  • It is important to note that sometimes you cannot perform your duties because of circumstances beyond your control. If this is the occurrence, you can still perform your duties as much as you can.
  • Karma yoga is an important practice to help cleanse the mind and the heart. It helps counter egoism by committing to doing your duty without the expectation of personal reward.
  • It is an excellent way to cope with tough times by taking action.


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Rajat Maheshwari

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