
Sannyasa is a spiritual path of renunciation or giving up material desires to seek out a higher spiritual truth. It is an ancient practice that has been embraced by many Hindu and Buddhist traditions, and it has the potential to bring great inner peace and spiritual growth to those who pursue it. In this article, we will explore the What is Sannyasa Ashram, meaning of sannyasa, the goal of sannyasa, the prerequisites for sannyasa, the four stages of sannyasa, the benefits of sannyasa, the challenges of sannyasa, and how to practice sannyasa in everyday life.

what is sannyasa ashram

What is Sannyasa Ashram?

Sannyasa is a Sanskrit word that means “renunciation.” It is derived from the root Sana, which means “to give up.” It is a spiritual practice that involves the relinquishment of material and worldly attachments to pursue a higher spiritual truth. The term is most commonly associated with the Hindu religion, but it is also found in Buddhism and Jainism.

Sannyasa is believed to be the highest spiritual practice and is seen as a turning point in a person’s spiritual journey. It is a path of self-discipline, self-reflection, and self-discovery that can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s true nature and connection to the divine.

The Meaning of Sannyasa

The meaning of sannyasa can be found in its Sanskrit roots. The word “Sana” means “to give up” and “yasa” means “the pursuit of spiritual knowledge.” The combined word, sannyasa, thus means “the giving up of worldly desires and attachments to pursue a higher truth.”

Sannyasa is a process of shedding the ego and materialistic desires to reach a deeper level of spiritual understanding. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization that can lead to a profound connection with the divine. By shedding the ego and materialistic desires, one can begin to experience the true nature of reality and one’s place within it.

The Goal of Sannyasa

The goal of sannyasa is to achieve spiritual liberation or moksha. This is a state of enlightenment where one is free from the cycle of birth and death, and is no longer bound by the laws of karma. It is believed to be the ultimate aim of any spiritual practice, and sannyasa is seen as one of the most effective means to achieving this goal.

The practice of sannyasa is also seen as a way to cultivate inner peace and contentment. By giving up material attachments, one can begin to develop a deeper connection with the divine and experience a state of inner bliss.

The Prerequisites for Sannyasa

To pursue the path of sannyasa, certain prerequisites must be met. These are based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, which is one of the most important scriptures of Hinduism. The prerequisites are as follows:

  1. Discernment – The ability to differentiate between right and wrong and to make decisions based on wisdom and knowledge.
  2. Non-Attachment – Letting go of any attachments to material objects or desires.
  3. Equanimity – The ability to remain at peace in any situation and to maintain a balanced and even state of mind.
  4. Self-Control – The ability to control one’s thoughts, words, and actions.
  5. Detachment – The ability to remain detached from the results of one’s actions.

These prerequisites are essential for any spiritual practice and are especially important for sannyasa as it requires a deep commitment and dedication to the path.

Benefits of Sannyasa

The practice of sannyasa can bring many benefits to those who pursue it.

  • It can lead to a sense of profound inner peace and contentment, as well as a greater understanding of one’s true nature and connection to the divine.
  • It can also lead to a deeper appreciation for the simple things in life, as well as an understanding of the impermanence of all things.
  • Sannyasa can also bring greater clarity and focus in life. By giving up material attachments and desires, one can begin to see the world with a clearer perspective and make decisions based on wisdom and discernment.

Challenges of Sannyasa

The path of sannyasa is not without its challenges. The most obvious challenge is giving up material attachments and desires, which can be difficult for many people. There is also the challenge of self-discipline, as sannyasa requires a deep commitment and dedication to the path.

Lastly, there is the challenge of detachment. It is not easy to remain detached from the results of one’s actions, and this can be a difficult concept to master.

Practicing Sannyasa in Everyday Life

It is possible to practice sannyasa in everyday life, even if one is not following the traditional stages of sannyasa. Here are some tips for how to practice sannyasa in your daily life:

  1. Practice meditation – Pay attention to your thoughts and actions and make sure that they are in alignment with your spiritual goals.
  2. Practice non-attachment – Let go of any attachments to material objects or desires, and focus on the present moment.
  3. Cultivate equanimity – Practice staying balanced and even-minded in any situation.
  4. Practice self-control – Control your thoughts, words, and actions, and make sure that they are in alignment with your spiritual goals.
  5. Cultivate detachment – Remain detached from the results of your actions, and practice acceptance of any outcome.

By following these tips, you can begin to practice sannyasa in your daily life and start to experience the benefits of this ancient spiritual practice.


Sannyasa is an ancient spiritual practice that has been embraced by many Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is a path of renunciation and self-discovery that can lead to profound spiritual growth and inner peace. This article has explored the meaning of sannyasa, the goal of sannyasa, the prerequisites for sannyasa, the four stages of sannyasa, the benefits of sannyasa, the challenges of sannyasa, and how to practice sannyasa in everyday life.

Sannyasa is not an easy path and requires dedication and commitment. However, those who pursue it can experience profound inner peace and contentment, as well as a deeper understanding of one’s true nature and connection to the divine. So if you are looking for a spiritual path that can bring great joy and fulfilment, why not consider sannyasa?